Friday, September 7, 2007

Funky Post it note holder

Here is the other stampers club project. It hold the post it note pad inside and has a cute little holder for your pen on the outside. Nifty! My Mom finds the neatest ideas. Usually from SCS. We love that site and all the inspirations!

Recipe~Paper: Bashful blue, Certainly celery and whisper white.

Stamps: Happy Harmony

I shoulda used my stamp a majig or something because my image is not quite centered. But you didn't notice that right? LOL! I'm not quite sure of the dimensions off hand, but leave a comment or email me and I can send them to you. Have a great weekend. I have my sil bridal shower and I made her 150 thank you card for her present. I can't wait to see her open it! We've made all her wedding invitation, and program fans so of course she needed thank you cards!!

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